Viking (first), 1998
The fourth in the series featuring Aunt Dimity, the caring ghostly presence resident in the rural English cottage, finds Lori, husband Bill and infant twin sons up to their ears in local conflict. Archaeologists have descended on the town of Finch upon the uncovering of Roman artifacts which, Lori learns, may have been planted by a disaffected resident many years earlier. The treatise in which he confesses to the burial has been stolen from the vicarage, so the only residents privy to its contents are the minister and his wife. It’s discovery becomes crucial when the town’s residents begin to take up sides and tempers escalate. With Aunt Dimity’s help (she writes in her lovely old-fashioned hand in a notebook kept for the purpose) Lori finds a housekeeper and cook in the person of a lovely daughter of an Italian prisoner of war whose involvement with Finch turns out to have much to do with the division within the community. To make matters more interesting, there is the coven on the hill, the ghostly figure walking through the cemetery, a UFO that touches down in the area of the Roman ruins. The characters are sweet, sour or spicy, according to their nature, and the story is amusing, if occasionally silly. Perhaps there’s too much of the doings of infant caretaking, but fans of the English cosy with a touch of the sweet otherworldly will find Aunt Dimity Digs In a great good time. (Kathy Phillips)
Originally published in Issue # 152 – January/February 1998